When Peter arrived at his new home, a refugee settlement in Uganda, with over 200,000 others, he was afraid and traumatised. His Social Worker, Isaac, told us his story…

“When we first met Peter, he was always on guard. He carried a sharpened stick around with him for protection and did not interact with other children. We started to take him to the playground regularly, and overtime he started to play. He would go down the slide, or play on the swings, but always with his stick. Over the course of a few weeks, he started to put his stick down more and more often, and eventually left it behind completely!
But the most incredible surprise was the day he started bringing his sister, Grace, to the playground with him – he introduced her to other children, and spent the whole day laughing and smiling. The two of them are amongst the last to leave the playground each day now. Seeing that transformation in Peter was incredible – he has his childhood back.”